First of all, what is the ZMOT?

ZMOT is actually the online decision making moment, which according to Google, is called the Zero MOment of Truth.

ZMOT is actually the online decision making moment, which according to Google, is called the Zero MOment of Truth.

In other words, ZMOT is the exact moment when the consumer decides to make a purchase

Undoubtedly, nowadays, the Internet has changed the way consumers think when making a purchase…

According to Rishad Tobaccowala, Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer of VivaKi

“When consumers hear about a product today, their first reaction is ‘Let me search online for it.’ And so, they go on a journey of discovery: about a product, a service, an issue, an opportunity.Today you are not behind your competition. You are not behind the technology. You are behind your consumer.”

Thus, consumers do some online and offline research before deciding on a purchase. They search online through search engines, they discuss (offline)  with friends and family, they compare online, learn about and share product reviews online or offline, read comments following an online article until they become a friend  or follower of a brand…

According to Google, buyers use on average10.4 sources so as to get informed about a product /service before proceeding with a purchase. However, while the traditional sources of influence (offline sources) drop off strongly, the online sources of influence are in full bloom…

And although the usage of social and mobile sources is lower than the usage of other sources, social and mobile are on the rise!

The four phases of the consumer decision journey

So, are you prepared enough to win the ZMOT?

Define your goals, and set up a successful online marketing strategy on how to show up at the right place, at the right time and with the right content so as to influence your customers.

Pay attention to all the influential online sources and especially to the mobile marketing and social media that actually spring up. Learn how to influence the Zero Moments & Win the pre-shopping decision of truth…

 Win the ZMOT!

Contact Mozaik and find out more details about ZMOT and Online Marketing!